Heavy Cargo Update History


    Hotfix V.1.0.2 20241218 | Now available!

    Posted on Thursday, December 19, 2024

    unfortunately there were problems with the last patch 1.0.2 regarding combined input with steering wheel and mouse. These problems have been fixed with this hotfix.

    Patch 1.0.2 out now

    Published on Wednesday, December 11, 2024

    Patch Notes

    With Update 1.0.2, we are delivering a large number of changes and corrections in the most frequently requested areas of Heavy Cargo.In addition to a much more direct steering of the trucks, the Steam version now also includes force feedback for a large number of different steering wheels so that you can enjoy the changed driving behaviour to the full. To ensure that you are not only travelling between first and second gear on the mountain, we have taken another close look at the gearbox control and adjusted and tidied up countless areas. In the course of this, further changes were also made to the vehicle functions. You can now enjoy all of this in better, dynamically changing weather between missions. The missions themselves have undergone countless corrections and fine-tuning in various places. AI traffic has also received a number of functional optimisations, especially at junctions. 1.0.2 is rounded off with a large number of new features and corrections in the UI / UX area with a focus on the map menu, as well as a series of bug fixes and minor improvements in various areas. To make sure your ears don't miss out either, a large part of the sounds have been revised and the soundtrack has been completely replaced. Copyright takedowns on YouTube are now a thing of the past. You can find a detailed list of all the changes below.

    Thank you for your reports and your numerous feedback. If you like the update, please leave a positive review.

    Thank you and have a safe journey.

    Patch Notes


    • Force feedback and improved support for additional steering wheels
    • Significantly more direct truck steering
    • Major improvements to drivetrain control and various vehicle systems
    • Probability of bad weather between missions drastically reduced, dynamic weather changes introduced.


    Gameplay and missions

    • Unnecessary impact wrench removed in Preptask during ‘Energy transition’ mission
    • Various AI improvements integrated, especially at junctions without a left-turn lane and/or without traffic lights
    • The mobile crane now also has an automatic set-up function like the XS crane.
    • Various improvements to the mission ‘The last voyage’

    Input devices

    • Force feedback and improved support for additional steering wheels


    • Significantly more direct truck steering
    • Major improvements to drivetrain control
    • Cruise control stays on when accelerating, then the speed drops back to the set speed
    • Positioning of the rear wind turbine adapter improved
    • Improved height adjustment of modular heavy-duty trailers
    • Various vehicle-related optimisations
    • The total mileage of the vehicles is now saved, while the trip odometer is set to 0 after each savegame load.

    UI / UX

    • UI buttons now have a visual distinction between the selected option and selection, which has fixed a number of bugs and inconsistencies.
    • A confirmation prompt now appears when overwriting memory states
    • The terms autosave, quicksave and manual save are now translated
    • Retarder is correctly displayed with D Pad Left Hold
    • Radio station display is only shown briefly when a new track is added or a station is changed so that the mirror is no longer obscured
    • Better visual demarcation of the photo spot to the triggers for running in (further improvements in progress)
    • In-game key mapping overlay is now more context sensitive when travelling with the van
    • Map view now jumps to the player's position when first opened and no longer preselects the first mission and then jumps to it
    • Map menu now shows close map instead of just map to make the function a little clearer
    • Map menu now shows a legend of the most important information
    • Garage clearly named in map menu
    • Reference to newly available add-on parts and chassis in mission completion screen clarified
    • The total number of destroyed obstacles is now displayed in the mission evaluation if this exceeds the maximum number of permitted obstacles.
    • Help texts with detailed descriptions of the individual functions have been added to the options menus
    • Icons in the settings menu are drawn equally sharp in different resolutions
    • Feedback form improved and expanded
    • Improved visual button feedback when hovering with the mouse but not clicking


    • Various sounds and all songs replaced with new versions. Copyright takedowns for streams and videos are now excluded
    • The reversing alarm and horn are now much more audible in the cockpit


    • Probability of bad weather between missions drastically reduced, dynamic weather changes introduced.
    • Improved visuals and performance, as well as correct direction of rotation of the wind turbines in the game world
    • Billboard and lit barrel pillars Advertising updated


    • Various logs that are no longer required have been removed, resulting in a slight improvement in performance

    Bug fixes

    • Unlocked missions are correctly displayed as unlocked in the mission list immediately after unlocking
    • AI vehicles no longer block each other at junctions
    • Fixed orbit camera clipping, shaking or jumping between load and trailer in various missions
    • Fixed missing collision of the rear trailer part in mission ‘The last voyage’
    • Fixed faulty collisions that caused the boat to jump in the mission ‘The last crossing’ during the crane operation
    • Fixed faulty trigger for red light offences at an intersection
    • UI of the XS crane now shows correct terms for extending and retracting the supports
    • It is no longer possible to knock over the crane with the avatar
    • Resetting a route preparation while the camera is focussed, e.g. unscrewing crash barriers, no longer causes the camera system to crash
    • Fixed sporadically faulty/non-existent collisions of various level objects
    • Flickering decal at the start of the ‘’custom-made‘’ mission corrected
    • Fixed another memory leak which could cause blurred textures and/or crashes after a longer playing time
    • As expected, the steering menu can now also be navigated using the steering wheel and controller
    • Indicator relay is now played in the interior if you have previously activated indicators in orbit, bumper or over-cab view.
    • After fast travelling twice to the same fast travel point, you are no longer catapulted into the air
    • Cruise control no longer remains active when the handbrake is applied and works again after exiting and re-entering the vehicle
    • The reversing warning tone is no longer deactivated when the vehicle brakes to a standstill in reverse gear
    • Camera is directly in place when the XS crane is activated and no longer performs a tracking shot
    • It is no longer possible to board while the tool is moving away animation is running
    • The load on the crane no longer remains physically frozen when you leave the crane and re-enter it
    • Radio does not continue playing at the position of vehicles that are no longer present
    • Photo spot from tutorial is no longer visible in the missions if the tutorial has not been played
    • Positioning of rotating beacons on trailers with PPU, for example, corrected in the tutorial
    • Bug that could lead to the driving style analysis not being executed properly fixed
    • Engine speed now correctly returns to idle when you get off at full throttle when stationary
    • Traffic vehicles no longer appear on the closed-off routes of various missions.
    • Fixed jumping traffic cone near the preparation task in Mission Zigzagging through the city
    • Gas tanker in Velslow harbour is now loaded on time and no longer pops up visibly
    • parked vehicles are no longer stuck in the ground in the car park east of Lütt Jussen
    • XS crane no longer rotates the base in hook / second arm mode when no load is picked up and thus follows the behaviour of the mobile crane more consistently
    • Fixed a timing issue in the camera section of the tutorial.
    • Bug that could lead to the trophy ‘I can drive anything’ not triggering has been fixed.
    • Remains of old level development in the harbour area of Velslow removed
    • Ramps of the city exits in Velslow revised so that a crossing in the mission ‘With extra width to the quarry’ is possible without any problems.
    • Navi route is now updated correctly in various missions
    • Timing problem which could lead to temporary unresolvable spots has been fixed.
    • Fixed an issue where the character selection was not displayed clearly and synchronised between character and UI
    • Fixed a bug that could cause the total distance of a mission to display completely utopian values.
    • Selection of fast travel point as destination no longer closes the mission selection, making the behaviour inconsistent.
    • Various errors in the mission selection via controller have been fixed, making it much easier to use.
    • Playing the tutorial no longer remains highlighted if you have already switched to name input
    • Camera sensitivity setting now clearly labelled as such
    • Mission ‘’Custom made‘’ unlocks the wheels to the correct extent without the need to complete it several times
    • Switching from the Follow button back to the mission list using the D-pad / direction key now selects the correct mission
    • Switching between mission selection via crosshair and via mission list no longer leads to an unclear state as to which mission is actually selected
    • Background image for warning message when all controllers are disconnected removed to save memory
    • Graphic menu is no longer scrolled to the end when first opened and has an entry selected before
    • Scrolling through with controller in the key assignment menu no longer leads to the display of controller key assignment in the keyboard columns
    • Destination icon of missions no longer remains active on the map if you first select a mission and then a spot
    • Camera control of the Orbit camera via mouse corrected if a steering wheel is used at the same time

    Patch 1.0.1 live now

    Published on Monday, October 28, 2024 Patch Notes

    • Visual improvements to petrol stations at night
    • Filters in the map menu now also filter the icons on the map and no longer just the lists
    • Various improvements to the ‘Petrol tank for the home’ mission
    • Improved adjustment options for steering wheels
    • More fast travel points added
    • Various improvements to mission ‘The last voyage’
    • Improved appearance of the wind turbine blades
    • Fast travel points and mission starting points are recognised more precisely by the navigation system and ensure less cumbersome routes
    • Crane position in ‘Maximum excavation’ mission changed so that a change of position is no longer necessary
    • Lower speed limit in some serpentines for AI vehicles to achieve more comprehensible behaviour
    • Paths are now also updated in the map menu in addition to the sat nav when the route is left or travelled along
    • Improved display of various icons at different screen resolutions
    • Instructions for editing spots are no longer displayed during ongoing missions
    • Chinese localisation added
    • Combined steering wheel and mouse input significantly improved
    • Added more settings in the options that were previously PC exclusive
    • Memory leak fixed which could lead to crashes during longer journeys without exiting/entering and/or opening any menu
    • Fixed another memory leak which only occurred in the PC version and could lead to a crash
    • Flickering sat nav in TGE corrected
    • Windscreen wipers only work when the engine is running
    • Added missing button display in the controller overlay for ‘Look backwards’ and ‘Look forwards’ in conjunction with toggle and right stick
    • Missing unit of measurement added to Mission Info window
    • Incorrect asphalt decal at starting point of ‘Custom made’ mission corrected
    • Fixed incorrect navigation path in the mission ‘’Custom made‘’
    • flickering spot marking of height measurement task in Velslow corrected
    • Too short background of radio/song title UI element extended
    • Various speed displays in the navigation device corrected
    • Route to spots is no longer deleted after closing the map
    • Spotting task ‘Follow’ is no longer deactivated when ESC/B/Circle button is pressed in the map menu, but the menu is closed instead
    • Bug in the tutorial that could cause ‘Warning: You leaving the area!’ to be displayed permanently until the load is accepted, fixed
    • Floating dirt decal near driveway Kooperative site in low mountain range fixed
    • Missing delineators added to a section of country road in the low mountain range
    • Broken flag in the cockpit decoration fixed
    • Engine sound is no longer damped as in the cockpit after exiting the vehicle when the orbit camera is activated
    • Bug that could cause the indicator relay sound to be played outside instead of inside has been fixed
    • Defective ground collider at Kooperative location in low mountain range corrected
    • Various internal error messages intercepted and rectified
    • Opening the tool menu no longer deactivates the game sound
    • Various problems (clipping in the floor, hanging at an angle) when unloading in mission ‘How the nacelle came to the yacht’ fixed
    • Fixed a bug that could lead to a displaced 3rd person character camera when switching between characters with the orbit camera activated
    • Missions can no longer be started randomly by running with the character into the actually deactivated trigger
    • After cancelling the tracking of a mission, the icons of the current filter setting are shown again in the map menu and no longer all of them
    • Player icon is no longer hidden on the map by the map icons
    • Button assignments when using a Logitech G29 steering wheel are no longer displayed as question marks
    • MAN TGE windscreen wipers can now also be activated/deactivated via the Action menu
    • Back button no longer causes characters to jump after exiting any menu
    • Angular grinder sound no longer briefly revs up after discarding
    • Closing various menus no longer leads to unwanted honking when you are in a vehicle
    • Navigation device no longer always shows the distance to the end of the mission, but only correctly to the end of the current route section
    • When switching from smartphone tool to 3rd person camera, the camera no longer sits briefly in the avatar's head
    • Frontal crashes with MAN TGE trigger corresponding sound
    • Bug that could lead to rain sounds not being played at the start of a mission until you leave the lorry and get back in, fixed
    • Various vehicles and other mission assets are no longer visible in the background of the map in the menu/navigation system
    • Various missing water areas on the coast are now displayed correctly
    • All guardrail elements in the tutorial are now displayed correctly after the unscrewing task has been restarted
    • Partially missing spray markings on the carriageway are now displayed correctly
    • Button for cancelling the crash barrier is no longer displayed if it is still screwed in place.
    • Broken trailer materials in mission ‘Petrol tank for the home’ corrected
    • Navigation to height spot near Stedhain corrected
    • Removed spawning AI vehicles at the beginning of the mission ‘Maximum Excavation’.
    • Fixed inconsistent behaviour when selecting fast travel points via controller
    • Simultaneously accelerating and activating the retarder no longer results in a permanent switch click sound
    • Fixed various places where the AI unintentionally despawned
    • Incorrect cargo in mission ‘Pipe Transport’ corrected
    • Fixed briefly flashing notifications while driving
    • Incorrectly coloured icons of spots on map fixed
    • Various errors in driving style analysis and evaluation fixed (more to follow)
    • Start trigger of the mission ‘With an empty shell’ is no longer partially in the fence
    • Various empty car parks filled with parked vehicles
    • Fixed various errors when adding vehicle parts, such as objects that could be built in the wrong categories or lists and icons that were not updated
    • Fixed a bug that could cause the handbrake to no longer release on controllers
    • Train in mission ‘Tower construction’ has elongated and shortened considerably when accelerating and braking and is now rigid
    • Filing on passenger seat no longer blocks and removes the styling elements on the front stacker
    • Quick look to the left in Orbit camera no longer switches off the engine sound
    • "locked" and “blocked” in the Garage menu are now translated correctly.
    • Various icons in the map menu were not filtered correctly and could still be triggered by mouse/keyboard
    • Buttons that are no longer active in the keyboard layout menu are no longer displayed as active if a steering wheel is connected but the menu is navigated via mouse+keyboard
    • Graphics settings are now also applied in the main menu and no longer only ingame
    • Simultaneous input with mouse and keyboard could lead to strong flickering of the tutorial displays.
    • Camera error when receiving a Trophy while driving corrected
    • Performance mode temporarily deactivated
    • No infinite loading screen after selecting an unlocked super-heavy mission, closing the map, saving and loading the savegame.
    • Button assignment is now saved